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Daily Bread Fence Project raising funds for a safe and contemporary fence line

You can specifically give towards this project by selecting the “Daily Bread Fence Project” under the “Apply My Donation To” section of our Donate Now page. 

Daily Bread stands as a place that welcomes anyone who is hungry to come enjoy a free lunchtime meal. Unfortunately, for guests and passersby, the exterior appearance of Daily Bread along Glenn Lane is less than attractive and certainly does not inspire feelings of hope and Godly love. If we are to represent the love of God in our community, our building should be a reflection of our faith and His light in the world.

Please join us by prayerfully considering your involvement in this capital campaign to replace the fence line with contemporary fencing that is safe and attractive. If you have suggestions or know of anyone who’d be willing to assist in any way, please contact us through our website or send an email to

Due to the scope of this outdoor project, the fence line was not able to be included in the wonderful 2017 RFMA Gives renovation, leaving the exterior of Daily Bread with an unsightly omission! 

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Despite the blessing of extensive renovations inside downtown Daily Bread over the past two years, the outdoor fence line and neglected landscaping remain an eye sore that does not reflect the care and commitment we have for our mission.


It’s a mangled mess of barbed wire, weeds, dead plants, and a fence layout that does not facilitate the flow and management of the hundreds of visitors to Daily Bread each day.

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The Christian Service Center for the Homeless is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preventing homelessness and combating poverty in our community. Federal Tax ID 59-1353031.
Review our Portrait at the Central Florida Foundation

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©2025 Christian Service Center for the Homeless
808 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 • 407.425.2523
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