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Our campus guests include unsheltered adults experiencing homelessness as well as "the working poor" in need of emergency assistance to help them overcome a financial crisis and/or lack of basic needs.


We always need good quality clothes and shoes our clients cannot afford to buy on their own due to their minimal or non-existent income. New and gently-used clothing in good condition is distributed through our thrift stores using a voucher system. Our partner agencies on campus and around town also distribute our clothing vouchers to those in need and refer them to our thrift store.


Help us keep our unsheltered neighbors safe by building Summer Survival Kits with these items!


  • Umbrella or Hat

  • Sunscreen

  • Flip Flops

  • Insulated Cup

  • Cooling Neck Towel

  • Lip Balm

  • Electrolyte Packets


We accept donation drop offs at our Downtown Orlando campus Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Look through your closets at home. Good-looking clothing items in like-new condition can mean the world for someone looking for work and in need of a decent wardrobe for job interviews. 

Affordable new and designer clothing is also available to the entire community for purchase at two of our locations – our thrift stores in West Orange and the “Unique Boutique” store at our Downtown Orlando campus.


All canned and nonperishable food items are distributed through our food pantry at no cost to the beneficiary. Anyone seeking to receive food assistance must first participate in an interview with a Family & Emergency Services caseworker to evaluate their situation and level of need. 

Clothing items in great need:

  • Men’s shorts

  • Men’s belts

  • Men’s jeans

  • Men’s black pants

  • Men’s new socks & underwear

  • Men’s shoes (casual, athletic/tennis, work shoes &  construction boots)

  • Men’s work clothes

  • Women’s new underwear

  • Women’s tennis shoes

  • Women’s plus sizes

  • Children’s new underwear (all sizes)

Food items in great need include:

  • Water (bottled cases)

  • Sports drinks (bottled and powdered Gatorade)

  • Pop-top canned proteins (hearty soups, meats & tuna fish)

  • Peanut butter & jelly

  • Pop-top canned pork & beans

  • Pop-top canned soup

  • Rice & pasta

  • Pancake mix & syrup

  • Macaroni & cheese (boxed)

  • Nonfat dry milk in envelopes

  • Canned pasta meals (ex. Spaghetti-Os)


Browse our wish list of other bulk items and household essentials we use to make "welcome home" baskets for recently-housed neighbors in need, including things like dishware, linens, bathroom accessories & more.  


Many of our clients lack their own reliable vehicle to get to an from a job, and therefore depend on public transportation. But the cost of bus passes adds up quick when used twice a day (a LYNX 7-Day Pass is $16.00). As a result, LYNX bus passes are a frequent request on our campuses. A gift of week-long bus passes can have a huge impact on the life of someone trying to get on their feet and become financially independent.

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The Christian Service Center for the Homeless is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preventing homelessness and combating poverty in our community. Federal Tax ID 59-1353031.
Review our Portrait at the Central Florida Foundation

Financial Documents

©2025 Christian Service Center for the Homeless
808 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 • 407.425.2523
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