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Kera Bigham

Get to Know Lawrence Graham at Downtown Daily Bread

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

As our Daily Bread Chef for the last three and a half years, Lawrence Graham is on the Parramore campus every weekday by 5am to make sure that he is getting breakfast going on the stove and lunch prepped for our clients. Monday through Friday, Lawrence is serving almost 300 meals per day, which is a huge undertaking! Lawrence oversees meal planning, prepping, and managing all the volunteers that come on campus daily to prep and serve lunch.

Lawrence has worked in construction and kitchens most of his life and loves to bring the skills that he learned to the kitchen at Christian Service Center. “I love being creative with food and putting ingredients together to make a warm, nourishing meal for our clients,” Lawrence said. When asked how community members can help to keep our Daily Bread program successful, his answer was by volunteering your time. Lawrence is always looking for individuals and groups to sign up to prep and serve lunch, interact with our clients, and have guest cooks offer to come in and cook a meal!

Lawrence Graham comes in early Monday-Friday to get things cooking and prepare for volunteer servers at Daily Bread Downtown.

In his free time, Lawrence can be found spending time with his wife, two children, and grandson. His grandson is the apple of his eye and can be found working in the kitchen during the summer with his “Paw Paw,” where Lawrence is teaching him the value of hard work.

Come down and help Lawrence prepare lunches! New and returning volunteers can schedule days and times using the online portal at

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