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Want to help others this Holiday Season? Go Blue! 


Our annual Blue Bags food & clothing drive is back to serve those most in need this season.

2024 Most Needed Items
(Fills One Blue Bag): 

  • One pair of gently used jeans

  • Three t-shirts in decent condition

  • One belt

  • Package of new underwear

  • Package of new socks

  • One pair gently used tennis shoes

  • 4 pop-top cans of fruit

  • 2 pop-top cans of canned soup or chili

  • 2 jars peanut butter

  • 2 packages Vienna Sausage

  • One Package Bottled Water

Drop off filled Blue Bags or your own bags (canvas or even plastic bags accepted) Nov. 1st - Dec. 20th for us to distribute to our unsheltered neighbors this holiday season.

Help provide them with essentials such as ready-to-eat protein sources (pop-top cans) and fresh clothing for the colder nights ahead. This is your chance to spread hope to those who need it most.

  • Reserve and pick up some empty Blue Bags now at one of our two locations. Fill out the short form below to let us know you're going blue! 

  • Fill the Blue Bags with nonperishable food items or clothing and return them to us. Or, use your own bags, that's okay, too!

  • Have fun! Organize a competitive clothing drive at your office or church. Host a holiday party and ask guests to bring food or clothing. Give out empty Blue Bags at your church, work, friends and family to feel the joy of shopping for others.

We are short on canvas bags as of Oct. 2024. Please consider a donation of $5.00 to help offset the cost of each Christian Service Center Blue Bag.


Each bag includes a new suggested item list! Don’t have Blue Bags? That’s okay, fill your own bags for those in need. Refer to the Suggested Item List on this page.  

Submit the request form below or send an email to and tell us your name, phone number, church or organization name, and how many empty bags you want to get from us. We'll get back to you to confirm which of our locations and a date you can pick up your empty Blue Bags to fill. Thank you! 

Pick-up Hours (Downtown Orlando location):

Monday-Thursday 10:00am-3:00pm

Friday 9:00am-12:00pm

Come to Suite 3 (glass door just outside our main gate) and we’ll help you unload your collection.

Sign up below or reserve your Blue Bags by emailing this info to:

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Thanks! Your request for Blue Bags has been sent. We will get back to you within 2 business days to confirm when you can pick up your bags.

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The Christian Service Center for the Homeless is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preventing homelessness and combating poverty in our community. Federal Tax ID 59-1353031.
Review our Portrait at the Central Florida Foundation

Financial Documents

©2025 Christian Service Center for the Homeless
808 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 • 407.425.2523
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