The Christian Service Center for Central Florida is committed to meeting the challenges COVID-19 has created for all of us. We're keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and the pandemic's impact in Central Florida. We are in communication with other local service agencies, City and County officials, and adhering to recommendations by local emergency management.
Need Help?
Please choose an area of assistance under our "Need Help?" menu to submit a request form, or call our Family & Emergency Services line at 407-425-2523 Ext. 237. Please understand that we receive a high volume of calls for assistance, so it may take a day or two for our small staff to get back to you.
Click on "Contact Us" from our main menu to find our three locations and revised hours of operation during this crisis.
Want to Help?
If you are blessed with resources and your livelihood has not been affected, there are several ways you can help us meet the growing demand for food and hygiene assistance during this challenging economic crisis.
Please choose a way you'd like to help fight poverty in Central Florida from our "Want to Help?" menu. And be sure to Like and Follow us on Facebook to keep up with what's going on at the Christian Service Center. Thank you for your support!
CSC Staff – We have distributed face masks, hand sanitizer and disinfecting hand wipes to all of our staff and instructed them to take these precautions.
Daily Bread –
We have adjusted our serving policy to serve in a way that protects both our volunteers and clients. Client traffic distance from our volunteers is limited to a minimum of 6 ft. to support social distancing guidelines. Our usual policy it to not allow anyone who appears sick and is showing flu-like symptoms to come into the dining room. We can provide a meal for them in a way outdoors in a way that won’t impact others. We provide all volunteers with glove and apron protection, and now face masks. We also distribute face masks to clients outdoors as well. Our kitchens are always cleaned and disinfected each day.
Additional alcohol-based hand sanitizer is available to provide an additional layer of cleaning and disinfecting of tables and chairs in the dining room. We now have disposable face masks for our volunteers if they do not bring their own face covering. In West Orange Daily Bread, meals are also prepared by our small staff and a few volunteers, then meals are distributed at the door in “clamshell” takeout trays for guests outside in the parking lot.
Family and Emergency Services –
We have provided hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes at all FES offices. And, as our regular practice, if anyone exhibits symptoms or appears ill, we will ask them to sign in and we will meet with them outside. We are seeing a dramatic increase in demand for assistance, daily phone calls have more than doubled, and we expect to see this high demand throughout the next few months this summer.
Love Pantry –
We are coordinating with our participating schools and the Orange County School Board to support their response plan and serve families in need this summer through their school's Love Pantry. Sponsors, volunteers, our staff, and school personnel are attempting to reach at-risk families with food and resources despite school closure.
For an update on COVID-19 status in Orange County, FL, please refer to these links: