We are grateful for the Winter Garden Elks Lodge #2165 for donating a new freezer and a generous contribution for our West Orange Family Life Center in March. The Winter Garden Elks Lodge #2165 was founded in 1960 and has over 500 members. The Elks invest in their communities through programs that meet their specific needs and improve the quality of life for their residents.
The Elks Organization was founded in 1868 in New York and has nearly 2,000 lodges in communities all over the country. Through various grants from the Elks National Foundation, the Winter Garden Elks Lodge has donated over $27,000 to various organizations over the past three years.
Those donations included an AED for the Ocoee Police Department, baby showers for 35 low income moms, clothing and various other necessities for unsheltered men and women in West Orange County, plus BBQ lunch, t-shirts and lap blankets for Veterans in the VA Nursing Home.
In addition, they have hosted several fundraisers for people in need. The fraternal Order of Elks was founded to promote & practice the four cardinal virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity.